The ClearValue Companies began in the water industry, innovating today’s leading water purification systems. This research, development and innovation brought to the ClearValue Team significant appreciation and insights into nature’s water, energy and nutrient pathways.
ClearValue’s water work led to an under-standing of the relationship between water, nutrients and energy, as well as their importance in nature’s cycles.
It was at this point of knowledge that ClearValue began an understanding of the symbiotic relationship between energy, water, life and Earth’s cycles. Life cannot exist without energy, water and nutrients. Energy, natural energy, exists in combination with water and nutrients; all operate sustainably within renewable cycles. All operate harmoniously together.
Earth has a renewable cycle that is driven by Sunlight: energy, water and nutrients.

Using engineering principals, ClearValue enhances nature’s regenerative cycles. Managed properly, these regenerative cycles (energy, water and nutrients) operate together sustainably and renewably in harmony.
ClarValue is a technology company based in water chemistry, biology and thermodynamics.
ClearValue has a leadership team of 21 professionals: retired PHDs, retired NASA Managers, Engineers, Scientists, Business Experts and Architects. All operate in an open collaberative environment of mutual respect, roles and responsibilities.
In water, ClearValue has a full line of water treatment chemicals, bacteria and bio-chemicals.
In transportation, ClearValue has the leading hydrogen (H2) engine technology, HyOx (hydrogen/oxygen – H2/O2 combustion), NASA Rocket Technology. HyOx out-performs hydro-carbon engines, fuel cells and electric. HyOx has reduced operating cost, installed and operating cost are a 30 – 60 % reduction with maintenance a 50 to 70% reduciton. All while, performance is much improved: 3 to 5 X the power and torque. Most importantly, engine life is 2 to 3 times.
In energy (fuel and power), ClearValue again has the leading clean hydrogen technology, Eenergy Fuel and Power Units generate clean/green, sustainable and renewable electricity @ $0.02 to $0.04 per kW-hr and clean/green H2 @ $1 – $2 per kilogram, having as by-products pure water and organic nutrients.
Hharmony, a green circular economy variant of Eenergy, takes in organic waste (human, animal or plant and with Sunlight converts to both a safe organic fertilizer and needed methane for Eenergy production of H2 and electricity.
ClearValue is the technology leader in water chemistry, bio-chemistry and thermodynamics.

Cl —– O– –O —–Cl
HCl → H+ + Cl–
Earth is 2/3 water; our bodies are 2/3 water. Pure drinking water is critical to human health and a long healthy life.
ClearValue provides a complete water purification solution that comprises chemical, biological and filtration solutions that produce the purest of water at the lowest of cost.
ClearValue’s leading coagulation systems produce filtered water at < 0.1 Nephelo-metric Unit (NTU) and < 5 Color Units, eliminate pre-treatment and associated contamination, reduce or eliminate pH adjustment, improve filter life, eliminate ammonia, reduce chlorine disinfection and reduce sludge interstitial water, reducing sludge volume 60%.
A first most dangerous threat to human health are neurotoxins: lead, arsenic, mercury and aluminum. Alum, aluminum sulfate, was invented as a coagulant by the Egyptians over 3,000 years ago, dissolves in the water, often leaving aluminum, a known neurotoxin and cause of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ADD, Dementia and Depression. ClearValue’s leading polymer coagulants solve.
Enhanced Biological Filtration
A second and most dangerous threat to human health are Disinfection By-products (DBP(s)). Natural organic matter (NOM – leaves, grass, etc.) enter the raw water naturally forming DBPs upon contact with a disinfectant. It is only common sense that DBPs would be harmful; as, our bodies naturally adsorb organics (food); while, the disinfectant is added to kill micro-organisms; DBPs are toxic, carcinogenic and teratogenic.
ClearValue’s Enhanced Biological Filtration (EBF) technology demonstrates NOM removal down to 1 mg/L, as well as NTU to < 0.1 NTU. EBF utilizes known beneficial cultures that are placed on the filter, making a bio-filter. In EBF, literally, the beneficial cultures eat NOM and NTU from the water for a much purer water, just as would nature. Disinfection is performed after EBF per the drinking water regulations.
ClearValue’s EBF is Nature’s method of water purification with a beneficial improvement!
In summary, ClearValue surface water purification systems produce the purest of potable waters, as demonstrated in final filtered water NTU, Color, TOC and DBPs. All is accomplished at a reduction in purification cost.
Merman – Point-of-Entry (POE) Systems
Current end-use systems are based upon carbon filtration, reverse osmosis or ion exchange, either leaving heavy metals in the water, removing needed nutrients or placing sodium in the water during removal of calcium and magnesium. Our bodies do not need sodium, yet need the calcium and magnesium; further, calcium and magnesium provide the “taste” we enjoy.
Given this irresponsible health scenario, it is no wonder that people buy bottled water at 1000 times the cost of tap. To solve and meet a significant need, ClearValue invented the Merman Potable Water Purification System. Merman is a Point of Entry (POE) device that removes microbiological contaminants, toxins, metals and neurotoxins while controlling hardness deposits and disinfectant concentration. Merman also controls iron and manganese that can stain porcelain fixtures.
Water Chemical Manufacturing
Water is in nearly every aspect of the human existence. In the U.S., municipal drinking water use is near 400 gallons per day (GPD)-household; wastewater treatment is approximately 500 GPD-household. Nationally, this translates to nearly 40 billion GPD of drinking water and 50 billion GPD of wastewater. Industrial water usage is near 50 billion GPD and power generation 100 billion GPD. Water is used in nearly every industry, building and manufacturing plant, as well as household.
Aluminum Chlorohydrate (ACH), Disinfect-ants (D) and Caustic (NaOH) are manufactured with ClearValue’s innovative ACH/D Technology. ACH, D and caustic are needed in water purification, an important businesses to humanity.
D are needed in every drop of water. D are a $1B industry in the US and $5B WW. Today, D are manufactured with electrolysis. ACH/D reduces the cost of 12% NaOCl from $1 to near $0.10 per gallon, 33% HCl from $0.15 to near $0.05 per pound, and 50% NaOH from $0.25 to near $0.10 per pound.
All surface waters require coagulation. ACH is the major component in ClearValue’s Coagulation Systems. Currently, ACH is a $250M industry in the US and $1B WW. The current market price for 50% ACH is near $0.40 per pound; while, ClearValue’s ACH/D reduces manufactured cost to near $0.15 per pound.
February 19, 1993, the National Sewage Sludge Use and Disposal Regulations (Chapter 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 503 and commonly referred to as the 503 Regulations) were published in the Federal Register. The 503(s) define treatment methods that transform bio-solids to Class “A” status; Class “A” bio-solids are free of pathogens and vector attractions. In essence, the Regulation establishes several categories in terms of stabilization, pathogenic content, beneficial reuse and disposal practices for land-application of bio-solids.
Experience has taught that the most reliable methods are temperature methods and/or chemical. The temperature methods include direct heating, composting and thermophilic digestion. However, due to operating costs, direct heating and chemical methods are expensive. Due to release of methane, the most dangerous greenhouse gas (GHG), composting is not environmentally conscious.
The most economical method involves Thermophilic Digestion (TD). Energy cost is minimal due to the thermophilic process itself. In the case of Aerobic TD (AeTD), digestion occurs exothermically, maintaining temperature once initiated.
In the case of Anaerobic TD (AnTD), methane is produced, which can be further processed for clean hydrogen energy. This methane, bio-gas, is preferred in ClearValue‘s Eenergy portion of the ClearValue H2 Energy Economy.
However, while all bio-solids have odor, AeTD and AnTD digested bio-solids tend to have significant odor issues.
ClearValue’s Nutro efficaciously produces Class “A” product per the USEPA 503 Regulations with Thermophillic digestion. The Nutro product has no sulfide or ammonia odor. The Nutro product looks and smells like soil. Further, being primarily a biological process, Nutro is economical; Nutro competes very well with mesophillic systems, operating at much less cost than other Class “A” processes.
Nutro is an efficacious and efficient means to manage recycle nutrients, both maro and micro-nutrients, e.g. bio-solids, eliminate pathogen transport, and provide an economical/organic fertilizer. Nutro is a modification of Mother Nature’s Process of nutrient management along with a natural, biological means, of pathogen and odor control.
ClearValue’s Nutro can further be combined with ClearValue’s Eenergy to produce clean electrical power, water and organic food nutrients; all from organic waste and Sunlight, Hharmony. In Hharmony, Negative Carbon Energy takes methane from Nutro and sunlight to cleanly produce electrical power at $0.020 per kWhr.
Hharmony, ClearValue’s Nutro combined with Eenergy provides an attractive ROI that turns the wastewater treatment operation into a profit center with sales of: organic odor free nutrient fertilizer, organic nutrient livestock feed and electrical power. In arid climates or local where water resources are limited, the water produced by Eenergy can be a significant asset.

CONOX is profitable control of point source emissions, turning stack gases into needed products.
CONOX is an innovative three- dimensional (3d) photo-bio-reactor (PBR – 3dPBR) that provides total control of algae conditions, be it temperature, pH, Sunlight, CO2, NOx, O2, algae concentration and contaminant concentration(s).
CONOX brings Sunlight to the algae in a vertical algae water column, not a water surface.
CONOX naturally converts COX and NOx into oxygen (O2) and algae that, depending on reactor design, can be organic nutrients or pharmaceuticals.
If organic nutrients, CONOX is preferred in aquaculture, yet can be used with cattle, hogs, chickens or the like.
If pharmaceuticals, CONOX is preferred to grow Astaxanthin.
Depending on application, CONOX has a payback of 15 to 24 months.
Hydrogen Energy Economy
Humanity has about 10 years to avoid a climatic event; and until then, we must deal with warmer/dryer summers & colder/ dryer winters. To meet this challenge, we must:
- Manage Emissions of Methane (CH4), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Nitrogen Oxide (NO2), Thereby,
- Convert the 2.1 Billion Vehicles in the world today.
- Convert the 25 TkW-hr of Power Generation, and
- Replace Inorganic Fertilizers with Organic.
- Follow the Laws of Nature, Science and Engineering.
- Most Importantly, Provide Value and Follow the Laws of Economics, Using Capitalism as an Asset.
The ClearValue H2 Energy Economy further eliminates formation of NOx, as well as ozone. Any time nitrogen (N2) is combusted with oxygen (O2) nitrous and nitrogen oxide is produced, NO and NO2, respectively; this is even with fuel cells (air is 80% N2). Further, Sunlight converts a portion of the airborne NO2 with O2 to form ozone (O3). NOx and O2 are toxic to all life; while, NO2 is a significant GHG, having 300 times the effect of CO2. While much of the atmospheric NO2 is produced by air combustion systems, most of the atmospheric NO2 is produced from inorganic nitrogen fertilizers that degrade to form NO2; therefore, humanity must go back to natural organic fertilizers without producing CH4.

The ClearValue H2 Energy Economy, by incorporating CH4 as its most significant raw material, provides a clean energy transition for the current hydrocarbon industries. Only about 30 to 50 % of our energy needs can be met by waste or bio-CH4; therefore, to meet humanity’s energy needs, we must cleanly use natural gas or cracked oil.

The ClearValue Hydrogen (H2) Energy Economy produces no oxides of carbon (COx), nitrogen (NOx) or sulfur (SOx); only water (H2O) is a by-product that fits niely into Earth’s Water Cycle; therefore, the ClearValue H2 Energy Economy is green, renewable, sustainable and Zero Carbon, having Sunlight and methane (CH4) as raw materials. CH4 is a challenging green-house-gas (GHG) driving climate change at 50 times the rate of CO2. CH4 is naturally formed by biological degradation of organic waste, anaerobic biological degradation. Organic waste (human, animal & plant) harms life on Earth more significantly than our transportation and power systems. Therefore, our Climate Change Solution Must take into account CH4 formation of CH4 that is a natural result of life.
Answering Critical Market Needs – Humanity is challenged for pure water, safe nutritious food and clean energy. ClearValue’s innovations are instrumental to solving these challenges. ClearValue Innovations directly follow the laws of economics, providing significant value-in-use; thereby, success is obtained with via traditional business, marketing and sales techniques.
Most importantly, government intervention nor support is necessary. The benefits, value-in-use of these products will drive market change to avert climate change.
ClearValue clean energy innovations are based upon H2 energy, most importantly, combustion of pure H2 and pure O2, e.g. HyOx Combustion that releases only pure water (H2O). HyOx is the fuel of NASA Rockets.
In a three (3) Liter V-6 Internal Combustion Engine (ICE), HyOx easily produces 1000 horsepower and foot-pound torque. The power and torque limit of a HyOx Engine is limited by crankcase capability, not fuel or oxidizer. Further, HyOx ICE is 50 to 60 % efficient, a drastic improvement compared to hydrocarbon that is only 15 to 20 %; thereby, HyOx ICE uses 30 to 40 % less fuel. And, as HyOx has no carbon to wear engine parts, passenger cars minimally last 500,000 miles; in trucking, busing and rail, 1,000,000 mile engines are planned.
It is critical to note that the electric vehicle is a lie:
1. First, as the grid is inherently dirty, electric vehicles (EV) are as well. On average, the US produces about 1 pound of CO2 per kW-hr of power generated. Coal fired plants produce about 2.1 and natural gas about 1.4 pounds CO2 per kW-hr; while, grid losses are near 15% to the point of use. In close comparison, gasoline engines produce about 1.8 pounds CO2 per kW-hr of power. This is an especially strong argument where coal plants are in use, like southern California, where their power is generated Nevada’s coal fired plants. So, at that light in LA, the Camero is cleaner than the Tesla.
2. EV range and refueling times simply cannot compete with hydrocarbon nor H2.
3, Earth does not enough precious metals for global EV battery production. Further, the precious metals used are inherently toxic, eventually to deposit in our drinking water.
3. Cost of purchase and operation of EVs is simply too high for most, making new vehicle purchases prohibitive and retooling out of the question.

HyOx Turbines produce in excess of 40% more power and electricity; that is a 40% improved ROI. HyOx Turbines are 75% efficient, a stark comparison to the best from GE and Siemens that are only 50%.
ClearValue will Joint Venture retooling plants globally. Retooling provides so much value that hydrocarbon, fuel cell and EV are planned, from motorbikes to cars, trucks, buses, locomotives, boats and ships. Each vehicle will have a 24-hour turn-around with the re-assembly line completing a vehicle every 15 minutes. Retooling can be mechanical or electric motor drivetrain.
The completed HyOx vehicle will be clean and green with a planned operating life 2 to 3 times that of previous. Further, the vehicle will be efficient using 30 to 40 % less fuel; and therefore, be less expensive to operate. In all cases, the H2 fuel will be stored cryogenically at near -400 ºF and 200 psi, presenting a significant fuel energy storage density at a safe operating pressure that affords greater distance than that of previous.

HyOx is very competitive, providing significant value-in-use; this is in addition to being clean, green, Zero Carbon, sustainable and renewable.
Fuel & Power
ClearValue clean energy innovations are based upon H2 energy, most importantly on the combustion of pure H2 and pure O2, e.g. HyOx Combustion, the fuel of NASA rockets. HyOx Combustion provides powerful engines (3 to 5 X hydrocarbon), that with ClearValue Innovations, are exceedingly efficient. Internal combustion engines (ICE) are near fifty percent (50%) and turbines are near seventy-five percent (75%) efficient, a stark contrast to hydrocarbon systems that are 15-20 and 35-50 %, respectively.
Eenergy is clean, green, Zero Carbon, sustainable and renewable. Eenergy uses CH4 and Sunlight to produce pure H2 and pure O2 (at less than $2/kg) which can then be combusted to generate electricity at $0.02 to $0.04 per kW-hr, having as by-products pure H2O and organic nutrients that can be used to raise organic food.
Zero Carbon Eenergy is Eenergy with natural gas or cracked oil as the raw material; alternatively, in markets where natural gas is high, methanol can be imported to control cost.
Negative Carbon Eenergy is Eenergy with bio-gas as the raw material. Most importantly, Negative Carbon Eenergy makes waste-to-energy projects an economic practicality, having a return on investment (ROI) of greater than forty percent (40%); this is critical, as, CH4 is the most egregious green-house gas (GHG), having fifty (50) times the impact of carbon dioxide (CO2), as stated by the United Nations (UN).
Zero Carbon Eenergy provides the hydrocarbon industries a clean energy bridge to the future. in solving climate change, we cannot halt or significantly disrupt the worldwide flow and trade of crude oil and natural gas. If we do, people will starve, thereby creating world war.
Water & Nutrients – Pure H2O and organic nutrients are byproducts of Eenergy; where, H2 and O2 are combusted to release significant energy along production of pure H2O. H2O from Eenergy is enhanced with minerals.\
Every MW of power generated produces about 190 gallons/day or pure H2O. Further, all life needs nutrients; while, organic nutrients are a by-product of Eenergy. Every MW of power generated produces about 23 pounds/day of organic nutrients.
Hharmony – A harmonious system of organic waste utilization that incorporates Sunlight to produce Zero Carbon energy, pure water (H2O) and organic nutrients, e.g. organic food (no oxides of carbon (COx), nitrogen (NOx) nor sulfur (SOx). God and Nature intended recycle of H2O and organic waste, e.g. recycle of wastewater, bio-solids and food waste. After causing great harm, humanity is only now learning to manage as God and Nature intended.
Hharmony is an extension of Eenergy (Negative Carbon Eenergy) comprising Nutro to take in waste organic material (human, plant or animal), digesting the organics into both a pathogen-free odorless organic fertilizer and CH4. The CH4 can be supplemented with natural gas or cracked oil. Sunlight is then used to convert water and the CH4 into clean green electricity, H2, O2, pure H2O and organic nutrients, e.g. organic food. Hharmony is green efficacious power generation that is scalable from 100 kilo-Watt (kW) to 1 Giga-Watt (GW). Total generation cost is $0.02 to $0.04 per kW-hr with capital cost scale and location dependent $1 to $3 per Watt. Power generated per unit area is 10 X that of photo-voltaic (PV), generating 5 to 10 Mega-Watt (MW) per acre of light collection.


The ClearValue H2 Energy Economy plans $1 B in commercial funding prior to JV/L’s; investors are at the table.
An accomplished economist estimates a $ Trillion Company in 10 years.
If you are a certified investor and have an interest to both do “GOOD” and make a good return, please contact. Enclosed is a video of the CEO, Mr. Richard Haase, presenting the ClearValue H2 Energy Economy in the studio of NASDAQ.
The ClearValue companies are Texas corporations with innovations protected by patents owned by ClearValue Technologies, Inc. (Technologies) that licenses the same to ClearValue operating companies: ClearValue Nutrients, Inc. (Nutrients) Nutro safe bio-solids nutrient recycling, noxious odor control and methane (CH4) production; ClearValue Combustion Systems, Inc. (Combustion) HyOx H2/O2 engines; and ClearValue Energy, Inc. (Energy) Eenergy power generation and H2 production; ClearValue Water, Inc. (Water) pure drinking and industrial process waters, along with the chemical and biological treatment chemicals/bio-chemicals thereto.
Each is a business and market focus, having ability to sub-license patent(s) and contract joint venture partners. Business and financial expectations for each operating company are per the business plan of each, which is a humanitarian project in the IMF/World Bank heritage bond/asset backed currency program waiting execution. Importantly, by corporate charter, ten (10) % of corporate earnings are to be gifted to under privileged communities.
Each ClearValue solution for humanity: energy, water, nutrients and Hharmony, provide significant added value compared to current products, services and technologies. ClearValue is at the commercialization stage – R&D is complete, prophetic patents filed and prototyping completed. Therefore, with the value-add, traditional market forces, e.g. economics, marketing and sales, will be used to drive market change. Value always creates demand. Demand drives supply. Then, demand and supply drive needed worldwide change. No regulation is necessary. ClearValue is using economics and capitalism to drive market change, world change and create a better world.
Energy – Worldwide 25 quadrillion W-hr of electricity is generated annually; and, 1.2 billion cars, trucks and buses are driven, along with railway locomotives and marine engines.
Water – Worldwide, near 400 billion gallons of water is purified daily, over 320 billion gallons is surface water and 80 billion gallons well.
Nutrients – Fourteen billion pounds of organic waste is generated every day. There are in excess of 7 billion people on Earth; each produces about 2 pounds of organic waste per day.
The ClearValue Team has diligently innovated proprietary, game changing and value-added solutions in H2O purification, safe nutrient recycling and clean sustainable hydrogen energy. Technologies owns over 120 nationally issued and/or pending patents worldwide. All can be resourced at and
What humanity needs most, at this time, is the ClearValue H2 Energy Economy; we must be sustainable and renewable. We must be clean and green.

First Contact
Send us a message
4402 Ringrose
Missouri City, Texas
USA 77459
ClearValue, Merman, Nutro, ClearValue Hydrogen Energy Economy, ClearValue H2 Energy Economy, HyOx, Eenergy, Negative Carbon Eenergy, Zero Carbon Eenergy and Hharmony are all coyrights owned by ClearValue Technologies, Inc.
© ClearValue Technolgoies, Inc. 2023